The Importance of the Torah (Discussion Questions)

Yeshua says He came to fulfill the Torah and the Prophets. How has He, or will He, fulfill? What does a "jot" and a "tittle" (or “serif,” “iota,” or “dot”) mean? Will the Torah be changed or obsolete once "all is fulfilled" / "heaven and earth pass away"? What do you think being "least" and "greatest" in the kingdom of heaven means?  What determines that? What is one way you can apply what you have learned today to your life?

These discussion questions are from our young adult group meetings at our congregation. Please feel free to print out and use any of these materials for your group meetings and discussions. We pray that these will be a blessing to you all.

The discussion questions below were authored by Catherine Chen and formatted by Grace Chen.

Before the meeting:

  • Read Matthew (Mattityahu) 5:17-20
  • Read the discussion questions and prepare your answers

Remember that this is a discussion! Prepare answers to as many questions as you can. Pray to the Lord to open your eyes as you read His Word. If you are not sure how to answer a question, don’t feel bad! Leave it blank for now, and during the discussion, write down notes from other people’s insights.

Discussion Questions

“Do not think that I came to abolish the Torah or the Prophets! I did not come to abolish, but to fulfill.” – Mattityahu 5:17, TLV

1.  Yeshua says He came to fulfill the Torah and the Prophets.  How has He, or will He, fulfill?

2.  What does a “jot” and a “tittle” (or “serif,” “iota,” or “dot”) mean?

3.  Will the Torah be changed or obsolete once “all is fulfilled” / “heaven and earth pass away”?

4.  What do you think would be considered one of the “least” of the commandments?

5.  What do you think being “least” and “greatest” in the kingdom of heaven means?  What determines that?

For I tell you that unless your righteousness exceeds that of the Pharisees and Torah scholars, you shall never enter the kingdom of heaven!

-Mattityahu 5:20, TLV

6.  What do you think v20 means?

7. What is one way you can apply what you have learned today to your life?

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