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304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124
These discussion questions are from our young adult group meetings at our congregation. Please feel free to print out and use any of these materials for your group meetings and discussions. We pray that these will be a blessing to you all.
The discussion questions below were authored and formatted by Grace Chen.
Before the meeting:
Remember that this is a discussion! Prepare answers to as many questions as you can. Pray to the Lord to open your eyes as you read His Word. If you are not sure how to answer a question, don’t feel bad! Leave it blank for now, and during the discussion, write down notes from other people’s insights.
Group Discussion
I once opened a book on religion and the first chapter began with, “In the beginning, humans created God…” Sadly, many people today that God is simply a man-made human idea.
What if someone asked you, “Why do you believe in God? How do you even know that God exists?” How would you answer?
Together, we will approach how to answer this question this from different angles, such as scientific evidence, logical reasoning, historical examples, fulfillment of prophecies, and personal life experiences. Today we will focus on how science supports the Bible.
Could the chair you sit on, the lamp in your room, and the car you drive all be products of random change? Of course not! Some intelligent human being had to design them and someone had to put them together in an orderly fashion.
Despite all our human intelligence and technology, no science lab has ever come close to creating a living cell out of inanimate matter. How then, could random chance produce the beautiful nature and life around us, which are far more complex than every human invention in all of history?